FACNM response to Coronavirus


As the coronavirus (COVID-19) situation continues to evolve daily, the Fire Adapted Communities New Mexico Learning Network (FAC NM) is keeping a close eye on the unfolding events. As with preparing our communities for wildfire, all members of the network share an equal concern for stewardship of public health.   

The FACNM network and our partners are seeking opportunities to carry on our work while limiting chances for the spread of the virus. For the time being, we are postponing any events or gatherings planned through mid-May and possibly further. There are many opportunities to engage with the network remotely, such as our member webinars, website forums, and increased online content. FACNM is also able to help provide web conference call and webinar support if you need it to carry on an event you postponed or would like to plan a new event. Please email gabe@forestguild.org if you need help scheduling a virtual meeting for your community. 

 As we have a better understanding of this pandemic and its ramifications in our community, we will be in touch about our modified plans and measures to support wildfire preparedness.  In the meantime, please take all adequate precautions to protect yourself, loved ones, and the community as this event unfolds.   
