Smoke rises from the Pacheco Canyon prescribed fire near Santa Fe where we have one of our HEPA Filter loan programs.
FACNM’s HEPA Air Cleaner loan program has been actively supporting individuals as we strive to create communities that are adapted to wildfire and the accompanying smoke. Visit the program page here.
FACNet Blog Post - review and look ahead.
Last month a blog post that looks back at the program and it’s successes and plans for the future came out on the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network blog to share our program with partners across the country.
There were many key takeaways including how the program impacts communities and the power of the program to facilitate communication: “Every time we answer the phone to loan out a filter, we have an opportunity to talk about how we plan and implement prescribed fire and the ecological benefits of fire on the landscape.”
Partnership with Winix America
We very excited to announce our partnership with Winix America! We currently have nearly 30 Winnix 5300-2 model air cleaners in service and available for loan. Winix has supported the FACNM program and we look forward to working with them in the future to support communities across New Mexico. Read more about our partnership by clicking below.
Expanding the program!
In 2020 we’re seeking out opportunities to expand the program to cover more people across New Mexico and offer protection from smoke to those who need it. We are very excited about the continued success of this program. Thanks to all that have made it possible, including Winix, New Mexico State University Extension, and the Fire Adapted Communities Learning Network!
Please contact Sam Berry at if you’d like to know more.