Wildfire Wednesdays #7 - Ready, Set, Go! - Wildfire Ready Rap - Film Festival


With the sunny days and high winds this spring we’ve seen more and more Red Flag (high fire danger) days and a few wildfires starting across New Mexico. As we barrel along toward summer, it’s important to continue to do everything you can to prepare for wildfire.

Best, Sam

In this Blog we have:

  • The Ready Set Go! Program, an all-inclusive wildfire preparedness program.

  • “Wildfire Ready Rap” by Ready Raccoon, not much more to say about this, it’s awesome!

  • The Wild and Scenic Film Festival with a short film about prescribed fire in the Southern US

  • Upcoming webinars and webinar recordings

Ready, Set, Go!


The Ready, Set, Go! program empowers residents living in the wildland urban interface with the knowledge they need to be better prepared for responding to a wildfire in their community. Each step of the program addresses wildfire preparedness at a different stage. The Ready stage is to proactively reduce the risk of wildfire impacts to your home through mitigation techniques like defensible space, keeping gutters clean, and planting fire resistant landscaping around your home. The Set stage is to be prepared to leave your home quickly in the event of an evacuation order. Actions in the Set stage include putting together a “go bag” with important papers, medications etc. The final stage is to GO! and follow the evacuation order when/if it comes. Have an evacuation plan ready, know where you and your family will meet up if you get separated and don’t wait to leave.

Click the links below to learn more:

Santa Fe County - Ready, Set, Go!

National Ready Set Go Program

To learn more about Santa Fe County’s Ready Set Go program and detailed instruction about creating a Go-Bag join us for tomorrows webinar:

Ready Set Go Santa Fe and Go-Bags Webinar

May 14, 2020 10:00 AM in Mountain Time

Click here to register!

“Wildfire Ready Rap” by Ready Raccoon


Ready Raccoon is Butte Fire Department’s wildfire preparedness mascot and now he’s got a theme song. Ready Raccoon will be out dancing and grooving to the song below at community gatherings and events in California. He’s designed this song to not only inspire people to dance, but remember that it’s always good to be prepared in case of a wildfire! This song is awesome!

“Wildfire Ready Rap” Webpage

Wild and Scenic Film Festival by the Santa Fe Watershed Association


The Santa Fe Watershed Association is hosting its annual Wild and Scenic Film Festival streaming to your home this year! Of particular interest to our members is the film Into the Black -

Into the Black film description:

Human ignited ‘prescribed burns,’ are an essential technique to mimic natural processes that maintain and restore critical habitats. With extensive efforts to restore large areas of native habitats, partnerships are critical to provide the capacity necessary to implement fire on the scale needed.

Visit the website below for more information.



Did you miss the FACNM Home Ignition Zone Webinar?

View the recording of the Webinar here: https://facnm.org/prepare

Upcoming Webinars:

Ready Set Go Santa Fe and Go-Bags from the Santa Fe Fireshed Coalition

May 14, 2020 10:00 AM in Mountain Time

Click here to register!

In this hour-long webinar Remington Gillum, the wildland Specialist at Santa Fe County will present on the Ready, Set, Go Program, an all-inclusive program to prepare you and your family for wildfire. Ann Church of Villages of Santa Fe will then show you how to construct a Go-Bag, an evacuation bag that contains a supply of items you would need to safely evacuate your home.