2023 Microgrant Funding Opportunity

Spring 2023 Fire Adapted Communities grant funding: Apply now through January 15!

Calling all FAC NM Members and Leaders

Do you have an interest in promoting and developing your community’s fire adapted practices?
Are you motivated to convene community events but need a little help?

FAC NM is offering grants of up to $2,000 to Leaders and Members seeking financial assistance for:

  • convening wildfire preparedness events,

  • enabling on-the-ground community fire risk mitigation work, or

  • developing grant proposals for the sustainable longevity of their Fire Adapted Community endeavor.

Proposals demonstrating community benefit or FAC capacity building will be considered on a semi-annual basis beginning in January 2023. Grantees will be reimbursed for applicable expenses up to their awarded grant amount.

Grant reporting requirements will include documentation of the event/work, documentation of community participation (if applicable), and creation of a FAC NM blog post.

Round 1 proposals are due by 11:59pm Mountain Time on January 15, 2023. Grantees will have twelve months from the time of award to utilize the funds.

Not eligible? Become a FAC NM Leader or Member today!

If you would like to apply for a FAC NM microgrant but are not sure if you are eligible, read through our FAC NM Membership Structure guide to determine where you fit in the network. To become a FAC NM leader and receive first priority for funding opportunities, visit our Leaders webpage and apply today.