Wildfire Wednesdays #152: Community Ordinances and Building Codes for Fire Protection

Happy Fire Friday, FAC Community!

According to Wildfire Risk to Communities, the majority of homes lost to wildfire are first ignited by embers and small flames. By reducing the susceptibility of the home and the immediately surrounding area, that structure’s chances surviving a wildfire are greatly increased. Creating ignition-resistant homes depends on actions to “harden” the physical structure against embers and flames (called home hardening) and actions to reduce flammability of the “home ignition zones” around the home (called defensible space). Neighborhood associations and local governments can create incentives and regulations, such as building codes, land development standards, and defensible space ordinances, to encourage ignition-resistant neighborhoods. Today we are digging into the current reality and efficacy of these incentive and enforcement mechanisms, including a local example of a newly-adopted ordinance in “in the news”!

This Wildfire Wednesday features:

Take care,

Defensible Space Ordinances and Building Codes

[The information below is partially excerpted from the Sustainable Development Code]

Over the past several decades, wildfire risk and its associated costs and impacts on communities has been increasing across the United States. Between 2018 and 2021, wildfires in the U.S. were associated with over $79.8 billion in costs, and fire years (and expenses) have only inflated since then with the return of the urban conflagration. According to data from the First Street Foundation, 50% of all addresses in the lower 48 states face some degree of wildfire risk; in some rural states, more than 90% of properties face some risk. In 2022 when the data was released, more than 686,000 properties at risk of wildfire faced at least a 1% chance of burning that year. This means that over a 30 year mortgage period, those homes have a 26% chance of burning. (New York Times, 2022).

Source: First Street Foundation
The future projection reflects a warming scenario in which countries take measures to curb emissions over the next 30 years roughly in line with pledges under the Paris climate agreement. The future risk map reflects changes in temperature, precipitation and other climatic factors, but the model relies on historical weather, development patterns and other inputs.

Because of the growing wildfire risk to communities and the history of devastation in many Western states, some local governments have enacted ordinances (i.e. a law set forth by a governmental authority, specifically a municipal regulation) such as ‘defensible space ordinances’ to minimize damage from wildfire in the built environment.

Defensible Space Ordinances

While it takes a comprehensive approach to adapt to and mitigate wildfires, a defensible space ordinance is an important step. This piece of legislation regulates the type and amount of combustible materials and vegetation allowed in designated areas around inhabited structures within a specific community or town. Requiring resident and landowners to thin the trees and remove the plants growing too close to their homes can help prevent or reduce the spread of fire to inhabited structures or other values at risk by reducing the prevalence of flammable materials or vegetation on a property. Establishing defensible space reduces the likelihood of a home igniting by direct flame contact or exposure to the radiant heat of a wildfire. Defensible space ordinances also help reduce ember production; this means that creating defensible space reduces the likelihood that embers will ignite a structure and spread to neighboring structures or surrounding vegetation. Finally, slowing the progress of an approaching wildfire can help keep firefighters safe while they access or defend a property.

When a fire comes to town, firefighters are often tasked with assessing structures on whether or not they would likely burn. As one firefighter said during the Los Angeles fires, “my job was to go inspect, do rounds through the neighborhood, see which [homes] had vegetation management, or at least try to get some sort of mitigation around the home before the fire came, and being able to mark off the houses that we think we can, and then we can’t save”(KSUT, 2025). Defensible space around your home, and especially defensible space required and enforced at a neighborhood scale, means that the home is less likely to catch on fire in the first place but also that it is more likely to be prioritized for protection by firefighters.

Building Codes

"It's really important that we design and build structures to resist ember exposures. What you do to the roof, what you do in that immediate five-foot zone around the home and underneath the decks is critically important" (NPR, 2020).

While California has mandated wildfire building codes for more than a decade in high-risk areas, other states have struggled to approve comprehensive codes that address wildfire risk mitigation. The problem is the perception that building to wildfire-resistant standards tends to be more expensive upfront that traditional construction, and this can lead to pushback from constituents and leaders. However, a study by Headwaters Economics found fire-resistant homes can be cheaper than traditional homes, thanks in large part to using more affordable fiber-cement siding (see the summary of the report here).

Building codes are sets of regulations, standards, and guidelines adopted by states and local communities to promote the construction of safe and durable structures. Building codes help safeguard people and property from hazards such as fires, electrical malfunctions, severe weather, and natural disasters. Wildland-urban interface (WUI) codes, and more widespread wildfire building codes (including roofing codes and more), can help reduce the potential for wildland fires to spread into or through the built environment. Fire-rated components and materials in home construction help control the spread of fire and limit damage to a burning building and surrounding structures. You’re probably familiar with some fire-related regulations - smoke detectors in your home or sprinklers in a commercial building - but building codes can go beyond those small additions, requiring home builders and municipalities to take a wider view of wildfire preparedness and be fire smart when they build or rebuild homes after a fire.

Regulation in the West

Few states have building codes that address wildfire. California, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Utah all have statewide wildfire codes, Oregon’s new wildfire rules recently went into effect, and Colorado is working on creating a Wildfire Resilience Code Board. In many places, local communities can adopt their own building codes and wildfire building requirements. The idea behind these local measures is that effective wildland urban interface (WUI) fire risk management requires action by local communities and individual property owners; however, even though societal response to a natural hazard at the local level is where the greatest control over mitigation can be exercised, it is also difficult to motivate

Defensible space ordinances in the West are developed through a collaborative process involving fire agencies, local governments, land use planners, and community input. They take into account factors like wildfire risk, vegetation type, terrain, local building codes, and the specific needs of each region to create regulations that mandate geography-specific clearing of flammable vegetation around homes and structures, thus creating a buffer zone to slow the spread of wildfire and protect property during a fire.
Wildfire building codes are developed by incorporating state-level regulations, often based on model codes like the International Wildland Urban Interface Code (IWUIC), alongside input from local jurisdictions, fire agencies, and research institutions. These codes consider factors like fire risk mapping, vegetation types, topography, and specific construction materials to create standards for building design that can better withstand wildfires; they typically focus on fire-resistant materials for roofs, siding, windows, vents, and landscaping requirements around the structure to minimize ignition points.

WUI homeowners are more accepting of policies that are seen as both fair and part of a more comprehensive risk reduction strategy. Whether individuals voluntarily adopt policies - or only accept them because they are mandatory - depends on their perceived risk severity, views about the proper roles of government, and beliefs about alternatives to regulatory approaches (e.g. private insurance, education, ignition source reduction). Individual compliance with these policies, on the other hand, is related to the feasibility of home hardening and defensible space in terms of household costs and yard waste disposal options, neighborhood norms, competing land use objectives, insurance considerations, and whether or not the policy is mandatory (McCaffrey, 2009).

In the News

Angel Fire, led by FAC principles and leadership, passes new Defensible Space Ordinance

“The Village of Angel Fire Council took a critical step toward wildfire mitigation at its Jan. 28 meeting, voting unanimously to proceed with a Defensible Space Ordinance. The ordinance, aimed at improving fire safety for developed properties, is part of a broader push to help residents protect their homes—and their homeowners’ insurance policies.

Screenshot of the World Journal article announcing the adoption of the new defensible space ordinance, February 6, 2025.

“The plan, developed in partnership with the Fire Adapted Community Committee, will allow property owners to request an assessment from the Angel Fire Fire Department. Based on National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) guidelines, the evaluation will outline steps for creating defensible space around structures. Property owners who complete the recommended actions will receive a certificate to present to their insurance providers… With approval secured, the ordinance will now go through legal review and public hearings before taking effect, tentatively scheduled for April 1.” (World Journal, February 6, 2025)

This effort was led, in part, by FACNM leader Mike Overby and informed by his network of peers.


Prescribed Fire, Managed Burning, and Previous Wildfires Reduce Fire Severity

In this new peer-reviewed journal article, authors evaluated the association between previously implemented fuels reduction and forest restoration activities (including prescribed fire and managed wildfire), previous wildland fire, and fire severity in the 2022 Black Fire that occurred in southwestern New Mexico. This exercise analyzed the real-world impacts of treatments that, for years, scientific literature and professional knowledge have indicated will reduce future fire severity.

A section of Figure 1, Patterns of burn severity and previous treatment in the 2022 Black Fire, which burned in southwestern New Mexico, USA, from the article.

Over 54% of the >131,000 ha burned area had been previously treated, providing an ideal opportunity to examine the influence of extensive past treatments on fire behavior in a ‘gigafire’. In the landscape-scale analysis, previously treated areas were the most important predictor of both moderate- and high-severity fire, with data indicating that the proportion of area burned at high-severity decreased by an average of 51%. At a fine scale, when the fire front encountered a previously treated area, the observed burn severity decreased, regardless of whether the fire was burning at high, moderate, or low intensity at the time of encounter. The range of fuel conditions that existed on the landscape prior to the Black Fire, produced by many previous fires, made such a positive outcome possible. The findings show that burn severity patterns within the Black Fire were best explained by the presence or absence of previous fire, rather than fire weather or vegetation factors.

Chama District Fire Training Opportunities

This winter and spring, the Chama District of the NM Energy, Minerals, and Natural Resources Department - Forestry Division is hosting wildland firefighter courses required for National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) certification. In-person classes will be held at Volunteer Fire Stations across northern New Mexico (see schedule for more details). Several of the courses, including an upcoming S-131 - Firefighter Type I training on March 5-6, are offered virtually and in the evenings to accommodate those who cannot attend midday or in-person trainings. These intended audience for these classes is volunteer firefighters; however, inquiries by others are welcome to ensure that each class has at least10 students.

View the full schedule of classes by clicking on the image; to enroll or get more information, contact instructor Pablo Montenegro at pablo.montenegro@emnrd.nm.gov.

The Wildfire Resilience Training Center (WRTC) in las Vegas, NM is also offering a handful of first responder and basic wildland firefighter courses this spring. Students who complete the full suite of classes will have the prerequisite training and may be eligible for hiring in the federal and local fire workforce.

View the full schedule of classes in Wildfire Wednesday #150; to enroll or get more information, contact WRTC Director Hank Blackwell at hblackwell@luna.edu.