Hello FACNM Members,
Although we’ve been getting monsoon rains in parts of New Mexico, the accompanying lightning has also led to more natural ignitions of wildfires. For the most part, these fires have been suppressed quickly by firefighters since they are accompanied by moisture that slows the spread, but it shows that we truly are living in fire adapted ecosystems where wildfires have always had a place! This week spend some time catching up on webinars or take a deep dive into the fascinating world of Pinon-Juniper landscapes.
This week we have:
Bachechi Open Space Webinar Recording – Living and Adapting with Fire, presented by your blog writer Gabe Kohler of the Forest Stewards Guild
Pinon Juniper Synthesis – Ecology, Ecohydrology, Restoration, and Management
Upcoming Home Hardening Against Wildfire webinar- Tahoe Home Retro Fit Workshop
Best, Sam
Living with and Adapting to Wildfire
In case you missed it, check out this webinar recording titled Living and Adapting with Fire. As part of Bachechi Open Space’s Backyard Science webinar series, this talk features an introduction to the fire ecology of various forested systems (bosque and mountain areas) that are common to northern New Mexico. Explore what it means for landscapes and houses to be fire adapted. Understand the ways communities can learn to live safely within areas where fire can run wild. Presenter, Gabe Kohler, is a program coordinator with The Forest Stewards Guild that works on increasing engagement with Fire Adapted Communities New Mexico (FACNM).
To Check out the webinar recording , visit https://www.facebook.com/BachechiOpenSpace/
Pinon-Juniper Management Synthesis
The Synthesis reviews the history of Pinyon and juniper woodlands, to provide the basis for understanding their ecology. Photo: R.Miller, Oregon State University
If you are live or work in Pinon Juniper landscapes this new synthesis will provide fresh insight into this important forest type. “This synthesis is a comprehensive review of the current knowledge of both persistent and newly expanded pinyon and juniper (PJ) woodlands that will be of interest to managers, researchers, and the public,” says Jeanne Chambers, a Research Ecologist with the Rocky Mountain Research Station and synthesis coauthor. Although this synthesis focuses on the Great Basin and Colorado Plateau, much of the information will be applicable to New Mexico. Besides the full length report the authors and their partners have created a series of briefing papers on specific topics. Dive into the world of PJ in the links below!
Science You Can Use – Overview of the PJ Synthesis
The ecology, history, ecohydrology, and management of pinyon and juniper woodlands in the Great Basin and Northern Colorado Plateau of the western United States. RMRS-GTR-403 – Full Document
Upcoming Home Hardening against Wildfire Webinar- Tahoe Home Retro Fit Workshop
Jul 28, 2020 06:30 PM
Join experts from California and Nevada for this workshop hosted over zoom about retrofitting your home to be more resistant to wildfires.
Speakers include:
Christina Restaino - Assistant Professor and Natural Resources Specialist with University of Nevada, Reno Extension and the Director of the Living With Fire Program.
Susie Kocher - Forestry Advisor at the University of California Cooperative Extension Central Sierra and is a registered professional forester
Stephen Quarles - University of California Cooperative Extension Advisor Emeritus and the retired Chief Scientist for Wildfire and Durability, Insurance Institute for Business & Home Safety Research Center.